Tag: Wyoming

  • Yellowstone or Bust – Chardron Iowa to Yellowstone Wyoming

    Hot Spring

    Finally ate a real breakfast of hash browns, eggs and salsa! I was so deprived of nutrients this made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Guzzled our watery coffee, and hit the road by 10am! I even bought myself a trashy pink Harley t-shirt in Casper. The old Oregon Trail is long and beautiful, even at 70 mph, I just can’t imagine it by foot. My cozy road trip in our VW SUV felt as if we would never make it to Yellowstone, let alone California. Traveling for years on foot and wagon, in a state of perpetual expansion, must have just been the most strikingly helpless buildup of excitement. In some ways, I long for such an experience, to travel through the unknown to the other side. No one in this day of knowing will ever truly know what that is like.

    Today was the day. We stopped for so many adventures. Boysen State park is where my next vacation must be. That reservoir was gorgeous. I wanted to just pull over and set up camp forever. Wyoming felt like home. The terrain, the sky, the people, the way the cattle are raised and the fact that there is no cell phone reception in the entire state. I fell madly in love with Wyoming. Before ever setting foot on American soil, as a child, my first love was of “Americana”. I dreamed of the smell of Wyoming, of cowboys, open range, endless sunsets, freedom and motorcycles, and here it was. Had a mad feet dip dash in “The Worlds Largest Mineral Hot Spring”. My feet were vibrating for the next 48 hours. Our second meal that day was in Thermopolis – Whiskey, Steak, rainbow trout and vegetables! First vegetables since Canada, best steak of my life AND I managed to have it all without a trace of cheese thrown on top. You know you are headed towards civilization when there is no cheese on top of everything, vegetables and good coffee. Stopped again in Cody, the birth place of Jackson Pollock; a cool bustling town, and bought camping gear. We rolled into Yellowstone just after 1am, saw 2 otter, and 3 deer before setting up our fancy complicated tent. Freezing, absolutely terrible sleep by 4am.